I finally got fed up with having papers everywhere. I bought a scanner so I can digitize all our documents at home. I'm dumping things into Evernote for now. However, I am thinking that many of these files are not ones that I would need to use frequently, or perhaps at all. There may be no value in being able to search for those documents.
If I upload them onto Google Docs, I'd much more easily be able to share folders with my family. Evernote has sharing; but, there is no way of transferring ownership, as far as I know.
I'll think about it more later. For now, the objective is to get rid of papers. I have binders full awaiting their fate.
If I upload them onto Google Docs, I'd much more easily be able to share folders with my family. Evernote has sharing; but, there is no way of transferring ownership, as far as I know.
I'll think about it more later. For now, the objective is to get rid of papers. I have binders full awaiting their fate.