This is a straight calculation post without fluff on how to schedule your freelance work time. In this instance, we will assume you have a part-time job. The calculations are based on Working Money by Chris Brogan . First off, set your earnings goal for the year. What do you want your income to be? Let's say that you want to earn $80K per year. Subtract your income from your part-time job. Let's say at a rate of $1,500 per month, your deduction is $18,000. That leaves $62,000 to earn in your freelance work. That's $5167 to earn per month, $1,240 per week, $207 per day. Assuming you work 40 hours in your freelance work on top of your 20 hours at a job, that means you have: 13 hours to prospect per week, 2 hours per day 13 hours to deliver and execute on your sales, 2 hours of work per day 13 hours to provide support, or do administrative work per week, 2 hours per day. Since you are doing actual work that pays you for only 13 hours per week, your hourly r...