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Showing posts from February, 2013

Photos from My Walk Home - Feb 20

Some photos I shot while walking home from  +The Greater Mission Chamber of Commerce , today.  Two little boys turn their trikes into their home after riding down the block, their dog trailing.  The typical sneakers dangling on a line.  A weed growing through the gap between pavers. 

Ready to depart for Austin

Ready to depart for Austin , a photo by shainelee on Flickr. The delegation ready to depart for Austin.

Embarking on our transport

Embarking on our transport , a photo by shainelee on Flickr.

Making Fish Fried Rice For Lent

Making Fried Rice , a photo by shainelee on Flickr. Tonight I got an idea for Fish Fried Rice. I was having trouble thinking up a way to make it. Steamed fish is bland and easily crumbles. Tonight I was inspired by fish tacos. I could pan fry the fish with lemon pepper to firm it up and give it texture. Then I could chop it up the fish and add it to the fried rice mix. It would also have cilantro. I'll try it with and without beans, see which tastes better. This will be a Lent dish. After Lent, I'm thinking of trying out some sort of chorizo fried rice. Via Flickr:

What Kind of Camera Should I Get (2013)? PowerShot SX50 HS

What kind of camera do you recommend? That is the question I get asked most often when I am seen with a camera at events. I have trouble answering the question because, I could barely afford the camera I have now, let alone even touch the other brands and models available to say with any authority what they should buy. I can only speak from experience. A photographer, somebody who shoots photos of professional quality, would never ask that question. Once you get to know your way around your camera, you start to understand what its strengths and limitations are, and you start dreaming of other cameras. In other words, a pro either already has the camera they want, or it's on their wish list. So, for those who ask me what camera to get, I will recommend a camera with manual, shutter priority, and aperture priority modes. If they can learn those settings on any camera, they can make some decent photos and appreciate better gear.  But, getting down to the nitty gritty, I recomme...