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Showing posts from March, 2006

Almost there

I tested my capability. I can do 30 push-ups with some effort. So, it seems that my goal of 40 isn’t that far. I’m not going to adjust the goal. I figure it’s within grasp and I can knock it off and have a completed goal under my belt. Once I reach the goal, I’ll make a new goal of 50. See more progress on: 40 push ups

just do the work

The best thing I can do to learn cost accounting is just do the homework. This is one of those things you learn and improve by practice and experience. There is no better or alternative way. So, I’m off to work on my cost accounting. See more progress on: learn cost accounting

apply, apply, apply

I should apply, apply, apply consistently and frequently for jobs at UTPA . Something has to stick. I should not settle for easy or simple. I am also considering going into business again. I can do some odd jobs for people for now. For this, I need business cards. I need to think about a name for the business and what kind of work to do. I’m thinking handyman/computer services. See more progress on: Find Work