This morning while working out my schedule, I thought that I would have to pull out all the stops on my productivity tricks so that I could stay on task. Enter the Pomodoro Technique . The technique has been a great boost to staying focused in the past. There is something about working against the clock that keeps your priorities straight. The Pomodoro Technique, if you've never heard of it, has you set a timer for 25 minutes. You ignore everything except your work during those 25 minutes. Once the alarm sounds, you take a short 5 minute break. No cheating on this one. If you work through your break, you'll burn yourself out and then not complete the next 25 minute stretch. You repeat the cycle 4 times and then take a longer break of 20 to 30 minutes. The Pomodoro Technique is a named after a kitchen timer that looks like a tomato. In reality, you can use any timer, so long as it's not complicated to set up. Which brings me to the Amazon Echo . If you are not fa...
Shaine Mata's personal blog. Working towards my goals. Seeing life, living it, and sharing it.