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El Paso Day

Last night, I went to the Margarita Madness reception held for El Paso Day at Serranos. This reception was up there with the Reception for Laredo Day. It was huge! I met a lot of people who I had not met before, which is the mark of a good reception. Of course, there were plenty of the other people whom I have come to know from these events. In the previous post, the Farias boys recognized me from the blog, which amazes me that anybody reads this. So, I took their pic and posted it. In any case, the reception had a huge turnout. The margarita lines were very long.

I'm going to post some pics I took on my phone. Some aren't that great, but what do you expect from a camera phone?

Rep. Chavez
Here is Rep. Chavez. It's not the most flattering pic, and I apologize for that. She and the gentleman next to her were moving around and my other pics had blurs or looked worse.

Reps Guillen, Gonzalez, and Peña at El Paso Day
These are other Border Reps, Guillen, Gonzalez, and Peña.

Philip Song at El Paso Day
Here is Philip Song. I met him the other day at the McAllen Day Reception. Cool guy.

John de la Viña at El Paso Day
This is John de la Viña. He is a House Seargeant. When the House convenes, he attends to the representatives and carries messages or other items from the outside world to the reps. Sargeants also set up chairs in the House Chamber for special events. The rest of the time, Sargeants deliver mail and perform other errands around the Capitol. John is from the Rio Grande Valley too.

Connor Nix at El Paso Day
I think all the Reps know this guy, Connor Nix. He reads things, like Resolutions, for the Reps. Anybody who watches the House on the Internet has seen Connor.

There are other people with whom I interacted last night, but I did not take pics of them. Perhaps later. I am starting to know people. There is a big difference between now and when I first got here. It's not so lonely.


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