Thursday, December 06, 2012

Google+ Communities: Questions Soon to be Answered

I have not yet had Google+ Communities roll out on my account. Given my experience with Google+, I know it will happen sometime today; they are pretty good at rolling out updates.

What I've read so far about the features of Communities, has been helpful; but, the posts don't answer all my questions.

Here are the questions:

  • Will Google+ Pages be able to join Communities? I have a couple pages that are very topical; they would benefit from being in Communities regarding those topics. 
  • Will people in your Communities count towards your Circles? 
  • Will the Google+ mobile app have access to communities?
  • How do my photos work with Communities? Some photos, I want to share; but, I don't want them cluttering up my albums. 
  • Will I be able to boot people out?
  • Where do recorded Hangouts go? Will we be able to record Hangouts?

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