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I finally got my break

If you recall, I returned to work at UMOS Head Start about 3 weeks ago. I was rehired as a teacher. I have not officially worked as a teacher since then. I've been what is called a "floater". Please, no potty jokes. My job has been going from class to class and help out the teachers by giving them breaks. That's what I've been doing all of this time, filling in while teachers take breaks. It's alright; I still get paid at the teacher rate without the paperwork. I've had the opportunity to work with infants, toddlers, and preschool children. I am surprised that I actually enjoy being with infants more than being with toddlers and preschool. I thought it would be the other way around. Toddlers and preschool have their good points as well.
This is going to change now. Everything we need is now nearly in order for my classroom to open up. I have a few days to prepare my classroom. I'll be with the older toddlers. These will already be able to speak, somewhat. Potty training is still in progress, but not complete. I foresee diapers in my future. I'll be doing this for roughly a month and a half. There will probably be another teacher with me, although it has not been determined who it will be. What is probably most daunting is the amount of paperwork that the job requires. There is a form for everything. In addition, I will have to carry out things like home visits and writing lesson plans. One thing that I am currently doing is labeling my classroom with cutouts of the toys. This way, the children will know where everything goes by matching the toy to the shape. Another teacher who does this tells me that he doesn't have to clean the classroom this way. The children do it themselves. This, in turn, gave him the leisure to get all his paperwork done on time.
As in other ventures, I don't look forward to it, but I'll take it on. You don't grow if you don't go beyond your level of comfort. Obviously, when taking on something new, there is the awareness that it is by choice. I'm sure things will be fine.


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